Fall Time, Cozy Time Book Tag

Good day everyone! I know, I know. I have sort of been Missing In Action for a little while but with school and band practice, my schedule has been a little crazy. I also think I have fallen into a little reading slump since I have recently started watching True Blood over and over again. But I am back and I am happy to be back. But I saw Michelle @ Book Adventures do this tag about a month ago and I have been wanting to do it since. Now is the time and I can’t wait to jump in. 

Crunching Leaves:
The world is full of color; choose a book that has red/orange/yellow on the cover

Image result for a feast for crows

The first book that comes to mind is A Feast For Crows by George R.R. Martin. It was the also the first book that I saw on my shelf, even though I personally wasn’t a big fan of the fourth book in the Game of Thrones series.

Cozy Sweater:
It’s finally cold enough to wear warm, cozy clothing; what book gives you the warm fuzzies?

Image result for throne of glass

It might sound a little crazy but I have to go with Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. That book is just amazing and no matter how many times I might read this book, I get this feeling inside of my body and heart that I can’t ignore. 

Fall Storm:
The wind is howling and the rain is pounding; choose your favorite book or genre that you like to read on a rainy day

I can’t just choose one book so I have to go with a cheesy romance novel. These novels are just so stupid and fun to read that I can’t help but want to read them when it isn’t nice outside. But to be honest, it probably would be the book I was currently reading at the moment. 

Cool Crisp Air:
What’s the coolest character you’d want to trade places with?

Image result for acotar book

Probably Feyre from A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. She has some issues at the beginning of the book and it really shows the foundation of her character but she gets to do some pretty awesome stuff. Feyre also gets to hang out with some pretty amazing guys like Rhysand, and Rhysand, and Rhysand. So yeah…

Hot Apple Cider:
What under hyped book do you want to see become the next biggest, hottest thing?

Image result for did i mention i love you

I have to go with Michelle and say Did I Mention I Love You by Estelle Maskame. This book is just perfection. It has such a great background, great storyline, and I am pretty sure I read all three books in two days. These books are magically and I feel like not enough people haven’t read the books. 

Pumpkin Spice: 
What’s your favorite fall time comfort foods?

Image result for peppermint mocha starbucks

Oh god. Such a hard question because half the stuff I used to eat during the fall I can’t eat anymore since I’m lactose intolerant but… Though this is more of a Christmas thing, I start drinking it like in September. The Peppermint Mochas from Starbucks is amazing and I love them so much. 

Warm, Cozy Bonfire:
Spread the cozy warmth, who do you tag?

I’m going to spread the love to everyone and officially tag you all if you have yet to do this tag! 

What is your favorite time of the year? What are you looking forward to this month? And the next? What is your go-to Starbucks order? What books do you agree with? What would your answers be? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

Happy Reading,

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