The Inside Out Book Tag

While I was checking out some other people’s blog, I came across Deanna over at A Novel Glimpse and I saw this really cute tag she did. I have seen the movie Inside Out and it was an okay movie but this tag just seemed perfect to do right now. This seemed to be a short and cute to do!

1. A book that brings you JOY!

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Paper Towns by: John Green brought me Joy. I laughed so many times in the book, like when Q had to pick up his friend from the party and when his friend has to go to the bathroom in the car and he goes in the beer bottle. It wasn’t my favorite by him but it brought me the joy I needed!

2. A book that brings you SADNESS

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The Best of Me by: Nicholas Sparks brought me Sadness. I was in tears the whole entire time while I was reading it, especially the ending of this book. I was unable to function for a few minutes. The whole book had some element that had me wanting to read more and inspired me to read more Nicholas Sparks books. I think all of Nicholas Sparks’ books bring me sadness but The Best of Me the most.

3. A book that brings you FEAR

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A Dance with Dragons by: George R.R. Martin brought me Fear. Fear was all over the place in the book. A lot of Martin’s books bring me this fear of death and losing all of my favorite characters. Martin is one of those authors who I can see killing my favorite characters, like Jon Snow….  Jon Snow brought me so much fear the whole entire time. Thanks dad for the love of Game of Thrones.

4. A book that brings you ANGER

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City of Heavenly Fire by: Cassandra Clare brought me Anger. It’s not like I didn’t love the book, which I did (because it is one of my all time favorite books), it brought me so much anger the whole entire time. I can go for years like Clace and Malec and Jonathan/Sebastian brought me anger through the whole book. Magnus killed me at the end, which made me angry at Cassandra Clare for writing that.

 5. A book that brings you DISGUST

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An Ember in the Ashes by: Sabaa Tahir brought me disgust. I could not read this without me being angry or disgusted with it. No matter what I tried, I was disgusted with everything. I hated everything that happened because I felt sick trying to read it. Most times I get butterflies in my stomach when I grow in love with one of the characters but in this book, that never happened to me.


Credit to Lois over at My Midnight Musing for the picture above! I couldn’t help myself but use this beautiful picture! I hope it is okay that I used it! I tag anyone who wants to do this tag, since I did it and I wasn’t even tagged! What books bring you Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust? Have you seen the movie Inside Out, and if you did, what did you think about it?

Happy Reading,

❤ Ann

7 thoughts on “The Inside Out Book Tag

  1. It is definitely okay that you used it and I’m so glad you liked it enough to include it haha. The length of any George R. R. Martin book brings me fear. They’re just sooooo long.

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